Wednesday, April 15, 2009

People try to put us d-d-d-down


Like a little girl's dress
hiding secret cigarette holes
in between the pleats and lace,
this youth
is already used.
Arrogant and scared,
dressing like their parents
and talking like their little brothers,
taking pictures and making art,
going to bed very late at night.

"You'll see how it is,"
We barely had the time.

New responsibilities,
cars, rent, bills,
showing confidence and skills,
or lost on our mother's couch.
Girls grew to an age old enough to see the world
only through ex-tainted glasses.
Guys don't want to commit
and only want to get pussy or drinks.
Some of them are beautiful,
they create and hope
some follow the system and are on dope,

but i have faith.

As for me,
I didn't want to leave Teenage Wasteland.

Cacedédi au EFC Crew.

It's hard to keep the PMA.

1 comment:

hooray4cookies said...

This is awesome. I completely agree with it.