Friday, December 10, 2010


The priest gets up from his chair

his uniform is well-ironed and impeccably black,

the square under his adam's apple is impeccably white

like his skin and his hands,

the only human flaws that appear

as he stands before the conference massed up in the room.

He says that God speaks through our bodies;

his when he preaches,

ours when we act the way we should.


Doubt denies me the right to let go

to these thoughts and echoes

from beyond the pale of reason

where their faith roams free and runs

and their hands praise god, not the sun

but the son,

that millenary misunderstanding

from the war of Images to the war of the Roses

mistaking a solar star for a demiurge

a cross for a horseshoe

coins for icons

with godly heads and devil tails
and morals to restrain.

As they all follow and recite

the rosary in my head

is tangled and intertwined.

Behind the priest are stupid posters

_________________and well-labelled shelves.

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