Monday, March 30, 2009

the Messiah hath returned

and he looks like that:

i have discovered today that i'm not a funny person and actually feel fine about it (no connexion with the image above)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

When reality meets fiction

I have written a poem about a war veteran living in the street who meets a teenage skateboarder one night (i'll upload it later, it's in the collection)
well, during my last trip to the City of Angeles i saw this homeless guy, with a sign saying he was a veteran, he didn't fight in the same war
my veteran did (he fought in Vietnam,) but he was on the same street! so i had to take a picture with him and spare a couple bucks...
Andy took the pic, i printed it and scanned it and now it looks like this, i think it looks cool... coz im a hipster, wait...

i'll upload some very recent poems soon,
thats me, nothing for weeks and then an outburst of creativity, but i see a shrink for that and "he told me thats the lack of sex thats bringing me down, "

Wednesday, March 25, 2009



The sloping side of the sidewalk is lined
with empty bottles, still wrapped in the brown paper
that does not conceal them,
disposed of in a drunken nihilist toss.
Thousands of nihilist tosses.

A kid is playing on an oil-stained parking lot
where broken glass glitters on the gray concrete,
amongst the crates and car parts.
When he goes home, the burned-heads go out,
they sit there, on the curb,
looking at the parking lot where they used to play.

Brian Harper Strikes Again

A quote to live by:

"Don't let the light go out or you'll become like one of those crotchety old men who make the rules for everybody else."
-Brian Harper

Saturday, March 21, 2009


est-ce que quelqu'un lit encore ce blog?
does anybody still read this blog?

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Ca fait un petit moment que j'ai pas poste,
J'accumule, je reviendrai avec du nouveau bientot,
en attendant une petite photo d'une lecture de poesie il y a deux semaines./
I am "piling up" i'll be back with new works soon,
a little picture of a poetry reading a couple weeks ago.