"We travelers have tattooed hearts into our arms and ankles"

Hold on to the memory it's all you've got.
Things have changed.
In good and in bad,
and i hadn't.
Tears, laughs,
boxes, questions about life,
phone calls and bills,
no impact,
until tonight.
I don't want to know what time it is
or what time it is not.
The streets to the hill
still wind around
in the night and good times go.
One a.m., two or three
it makes no difference to me
because i am where i want to be
by myself,
for tonight no better company.
Tomorrow is a different story.
Yesterday was i know now,
at the time i didn't,
when it spoke no words i could hear
and showed nothing i could see
is that what they call destiny?
A light for the blind
and to yesterday's poison an antidote.
A few words on a note
might not change the world
but it can save a man,
a man who doesn't want to change.